Sunday, March 2, 2008

Maxim also didn't really ask Eva Mendez if she's a screamer

You may have seen that Maxim wrote a review of The Black Crowes new album...without actually hearing the album. The Crowes hadn't handed out advance copies when the review was published, and the reviewer admitted just making up his 2.5 star review. This is a scarcy development, because it shines a light into just how messed up the media has become. Apparently Maxim's editors had a hard time seeing the problem at first. Now their credibility is pretty well shot. It's one thing to give an album a mediocre review after listening to it. And Lord knows the Crowes have been pretty uneven since 1990's brilliant Shake Your Moneymaker. But give them the benefit of the doubt and listen to it. The Crowes also already have a hard won fan base. What would, or has, a faked Maxim review done to the prospects of some emerging band who might be looking to a good review to spark sales or generate interest? And how many other publications does this sort of thing go on at?

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