Thursday, January 13, 2011

Guilty Pleasures: The Music You're Not Supposed to Like, But do

Hey, look an actual non set list post! Check the sky for plagues of locusts!

I've been thinking about this the last couple of days. As music geeks there's lots of music the cognoscenti says we should like. Critically acclaimed stuff. The Pitchfork-loved-this-so-I'm-going-to-give-it-a-try-and-love-it-to stuff. The stuff that appeals both to our sense of fun and your brains.

But there's a ton of stuff lurking in your music libraries, I'm sure that qualifies as a guilty pleasure. Stuff that the intellectual music geek in you abhors, but you-- God help you, you love it anyway.

For me, I'd have to admit Hootie and the Blowfish is right up there. Montell Jordan's "This is How We Do It" is another. Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive." Lit's "My Own Worst Enemy." I'm thinking there's a set list to be made in here somewhere. Do you, gentle readers (all two of you) have any suggestions for such a set list?

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